Friday, August 12, 2022

How much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube


How much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube

How much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube | how much concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube | how many bags of concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube

Sonotubes are cardboard tubes in which concrete is poured to form solid concrete pillars. The word Sonotube is a trademarked brand name. Other companies like Sakrete and Quikrete make their own version of a sonotube. Sakrete’s is called a form tube while Quikrete’s is a Quik-tube.

They’re all the same basic product, a round tube you pour concrete into which creates a pillar. The pillar can be underground which creates a footing or it can be above ground which is called a concrete pier.

Sonotubes come in a variety of diameters which increase in increments of 2 inches. The most common sizes are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inch by 48 inch tall. How much concrete do i need to fill Sonotubes and how many bags of concrete per sonotube depends on the tube’s size and depth.

Because sonotubes are made from cardboard, they’re single use only. If the tubes are used below grade, they’ll naturally break down over time. Cardboard is 100% biodegradable. However, if the tubes are used above grade, they can be removed after the concrete has hardened. In some cases a release agent should be used to help separate the tube from the concrete.

Quikrete or Sakrete 80lb (pounds) bags concrete Mix can be used for building or repairing foundation walls, sidewalks, curbs, steps and ramps and for setting posts. This concrete mix is designed for pouring concrete 2″ to 4″ thick or more and is easy to use by simply adding water.

Sonotubes are very strong and able to withstand the weight and pressure of concrete. When you use them above grade, the sonotube will keep it’s cylinder shape even when filled with concrete.

Sonotubes are light weight and very easy to use. You can cut them down to whatever height you need with a saw or utility knife. They’re used for a variety of concrete column applications, such as: Home or deck pilings, Goal or sign posts, Fence posts, Mailboxes or lamp posts and Footings.

In US, concrete are sold in bag concrete for small projects, popularly known as premix bag. Prermix bag of concrete are available in many different size and weight, larger size of bagged concrete are available in 90lb (pound) and 80lb (pound) concrete, medium size available in 60lb (pound) concrete and smaller size is 50lb (pound) and 40lb (pound) concrete.

Premixed bag of concrete is the mixture of Portland cement, sand (fine aggregates), gravel (coarse aggregate), and different types of approved admixture or ingredients. A 50 pound concrete is fast setting concrete.

Premixed concrete bags are used for driveways, patios, foundations walls and footings, curbs, stairs and structural applications and also great for setting footings, pouring slabs and anchoring posts and poles.

In this article you know about “how much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube”, which will help you making rough estimate how many bags of concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotubes. Here we discussed about how much concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube.

50lb (pounds) bags of concrete mix is ideal for both structural and non structural application for 2 inch thick or more, 50lb bag of Concrete Mix can be used for building or repairing foundation walls, fence post, sidewalks, curbs, steps and ramps and for setting posts and others concrete structure like, footing, slab & beam.

How much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube

To determine how much concrete do you need for a 8 inch Sonotube, multiply the square footage [πD^2/4] of round tube with depth [H in feet] to get volume measurement [(πD^2/4)×H]. Volume of Sonotube is equal to volume of concrete required to fill a Sonotube.

● How much concrete do i need for a 14 inch Sonotube

● How much concrete do i need for a 18 inch Sonotube

● How much concrete do i need for a 12 inch Sonotube

Steps to calculate how much concrete do you need for a 8 inch Sonotube are following:-

1) Diameter of round Sonotube in feet = 8÷12 = 0.66 foot

2) Square footage of Sonotube = πD^2/4, where π = 3.14, Diameter (D) = 8 inch, so putting all these value you get Square footage = (3.14 × 0.66 × 0.66)/4 = 0.345 square feet

3) Volume of Sonotube per foot = Square footage × depth in feet, such as Volume of required concrete to fill a 8 inch Sonotube per foot = 0.345 × 1 = 0.345 cubic feet

4) To calculate how many bags of concrete you need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube, divide the amount of required concrete volume in cubic feet by bags yields in cubic feet. Use following yields per bag: 80lb bags of concrete yields 0.60 cubic feet, 60lb bags of concrete yields 0.45 cubic feet, 30lb bags of concrete yields 0.30 cubic feet, 50lb bags of concrete yields 0.375 cubic feet, and 90lb bags of concrete yields 0.68 cubic feet.

5) No. of 80lb bags of concrete = 0.345 ÷ 0.60 = 0.58 bags, or No. of 60lb bags of concrete = 0.345 ÷ 0.45 = 0.77 bags, or No. of 40lb bags of concrete = 0.345 ÷ 0.30 = 1.15 bags.

How much concrete do i need for a 8 inch Sonotube?, You will need approximately 0.345 cubic feet or either 0.58 of 80lb (pound) or 0.77 of 60lb (pound) bags of concrete for a 8 inch wide Sonotube per foot deep. So, for 3 feet deep, You will need 1.035 cubic feet (or 2 bags of 80lb or 2 1/2 bags of 60lb) of concrete to fill a 8 inch wide Sonotube.

How much concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube

You will need approximately 0.345 cubic feet or either 0.58 of 80lb (pound) or 0.77 of 60lb (pound) bags of concrete to fill a 8 inch wide Sonotube per foot deep. So, for 3 feet deep, 1.035 cubic feet (or 2 bags of 80lb or 2 1/2 bags of 60lb) of concrete will be needed.

How many bags of concrete do i need to fill a 8 inch Sonotube

You will need approximately either 0.58 of 80lb (pound) or 0.77 of 60lb (pound) bags or 0.345 cubic feet of concrete to fill a 8 inch wide Sonotube per foot deep. So, for 3 feet deep, 2 bags of 80lb or 2 1/2 bags of 60lb or 1.035 cubic feet of concrete will be needed.


You will need approximately 0.345 cubic feet or either 0.58 of 80lb (pound) or 0.77 of 60lb (pound) bags of concrete for a 8 inch wide Sonotube per foot deep.

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